Monday 8 September 2014

Welcome and Introductions

Asalaamualaikum and Peace to all you mamas out there!

Welcome to Just Being a Muslims Mama :) I started this blog as a celebration of my entering motherhood and now fully embracing it. You would have thought I would have done this 14 months ago when my beautiful daughter Ammarah came into the world. But the truth of the matter is I was sooo busy changing nappies, feeding, bathing, clothing AND I was hanging onto any part of my old self that I could have - that active, studious me always getting my hands into some sort of new project: eBay, DIY, teaching, organising events, writing to do lists each day, studying and more studying! I didn't think a baby would change me, well a little, but not THIS much. For a while I tried to find myself once more, the old me. But now as Umm Ammarah I've discovered a  new me; one with new mum friends, food stains on my clothes and a special bond between my daughter that words cannot describe, alhamdulillah and I like it!

I hope through my blog entries I can take you through the life of a Muslim Mama, perhaps inspire or make you giggle a little :) For any new mamas out there, you are in for one adventurous time and for all other mamas. . . 

1 comment:

  1. Ma sha Allah well written blog lovely
